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Dear Birzeiti Family and Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that we address the current situation faced by our Palestinian brothers and sisters. The ongoing military occupation and oppression of Palestinians has been a painful reality for 75 years, but the recent events have brought even greater suffering to our people. Civilians in Gaza and the West Bank are enduring unimaginable pain, with lives lost and countless others injured.

What adds to the sorrow is how mainstream media coverage often fails to capture the full context of these atrocities. The depth of history and struggle endured by Palestinians is often overshadowed or distorted, creating an incomplete narrative that fails to convey the true magnitude of this ongoing crisis. As we navigate through this sad chapter in Palestinian history, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to justice and peace for all. Together, we can work towards a brighter future where freedom, dignity, and equality prevail for every Palestinian brother and sister.

In the face of challenges and attempts to erase or undermine our identity, culture, and heritage, the Birzeit Society stands strong and resolute. We are committed to supporting our community and doing everything within our power to protect what is dear to us. By coming together as a united front, we can amplify our voices and ensure that the world truly understands who we are. Let us join hands in solidarity, supporting one another as we navigate through these challenges. Together, we will not only preserve our identity but also inspire others with the strength of our unity.

Birzeit Society

Fundraising Committee

Humanitarian Aid to Gaza and Birzeit

You have the power to provide much needed assistance to our fellow Palestinians in Gaza and Birzeit.  Your tax-deductible donations will benefit humanitarian causes and be used for food, medical aid, water, and other assistance. We will use these funds In order to meet the immediate needs of our people in Gaza and reserve 15% of the total raised to address emergency appeals made in Birzeit. Time is of the essence to raise these critical funds. We encourage you to pass along this urgent message to your family and friends. We are all in this together.

Goal: $50,000.00
Collected: $22,139.00

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Checks are also accepted at Birzeit Society P.O. Box 20812 Castro Valley, CA 94546

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